TNA Knockouts Tag Team Titles Match: Taylor Wilde & Sarita (c) vs. The Beautiful People: At least this match was kept simple. I was never a fan of Angelina Love’s ring work, but she was good on the mic and her character meshed well with Velvet Sky. The addition of Lacey Von Erich is just not cutting it for me. Sure she’s beautiful, and physically she works with the group, but she is ridiculously stiff on the mic and sounds like she’s reading off cue cards that are being held a mile away from where she is. If TNA is serious about the Knockouts tag team titles, then they need to maneuver away from The Beautiful People as a wrestling group because they aren’t going to do the titles any favors. Then again, last night’s bout didn’t prove to me that the tag titles are even necessary at all at this point. 3.5 Stars.