Ultimate X Match: Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. Suicide vs. Homicide vs. Daniels vs. Amazing Red: Wow, what an amazing opening contest, and one of the best Ultimate X matches I have ever seen. The offensive these X Division wrestlers come up with genuinely baffles me sometimes, and it is amazing to see what they’re capable of pulling off. Daniels and Suicide took the "OMG" award tonight with their insane spot off the wires, but everyone worked hard in this match and is well deserving of some applause. My only complaint with matches like this is that I can see why people call them spot fests: because you can see these guys setting up spots a mile away. Red’s Hurricanrana on Daniels off the ropes into the guys on the outside took awhile to setup. Suicide took what seemed to be a year to springboard off the ropes onto the wires at one point to counter someone heading towards the belt. In general, there are too many "spots" setup that you can see guys preparing for which bothers me because in reality no one would ever set themselves up to get hit with a move. So sometimes these insane moves and 4-5 people spots that I agree are impressive looking, don’t come off as very realistic because you see too much of the "trick" when they’re setting up for it. It’s kinda like seeing a magician’s rabbit before he pulls it out of the hat. Out of a possible 9 stars, I give Bound For Glory’s opening contest 8.5 Stars.