Triple Threat Match for The World Heavyweight Title: The Undertaker (c) vs Big Show vs Chris Jericho: This was a match that although dragged in the beginning, definitely turned itself into an interesting match at the halfway point. As long as JeriShow was holding the Tag Titles I never expected either of them to win the World Title, and I even less expected Show to win as, well, he never wins anything. Additionally, I don’t think WWE would book The Undertaker to be such a short term champion even though he is battling several nagging injuries. The bottom line is that if The Undertaker felt like he couldn’t work at least a 4-5 month program due to his physical condition, I doubt very highly that he would have wanted a title run. With Jericho and Big Show holding the tag team titles, I think it would have been too much to have someone like Jericho also holding the World Title at the same time, as WWE would then have to choose to focus on one title as opposed to the other, and one (presumably the tag titles) would get lost in the shuffle. Aside from that, however, the match was good, and I thought the finish was strong, as it looked as if anyone of the three competitors had a shot at winning the title and it furthered the turmoil between Jericho and Big Show. 7.5 Stars.