Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston: This was a great match. I had picked Orton to win this, and I thought it was a smart move on WWE’s part because they don’t want to run the risk of burying who I think to be the company’s top heel at the moment. Kingston has established himself as a main event player in this feud, which was the point of it from the onset, so whether Kofi won or lost last night made no difference; the angle was already a success. The tricky question is where does WWE go from here? I think this feud needs to continue. Kingston eventually needs to get the big win over Orton, but I think the Rumble might be a better time for him. If he doesn’t win at The Rumble, then just before the event would work as well. Orton and Kofi work very well together, and there was some excellent wrestling on display last night. So this is not a feud that feels tired to me, it feels like one that needs to deepen and finally end with Kofi getting the better of Orton. 7.5 Stars.