WWE Championship Tables Match: John Cena (c) vs Sheamus: Well, what can I say? The shock in this match made the bout worthwhile, and before that I did think it was a fun brawl. I have an issue with how Sheamus won, however, and I know it was done simply to protect Cena, and that’s my main problem here. I said it in my picks column and I’ll say it again: CENA DOES NOT NEED TO BE PROTECTED ANYMORE. This guy is the company’s top star, and it doesn’t matter if he wins or loses at this point. Instead of going with the "did Cena get pushed or did he lose his balance" angle, WWE should have had Sheamus legitimately beat him for the title. The problem with the finish last night is that it still makes Sheamus look like he hasn’t accomplished much so far in time spent with WWE. He’s beaten up small guys, announcers, and to cap it off he got what seemed to be a fluke win last night. There would be nothing wrong with WWE creating a legitimate monster heel who rips through talent. Cena can always get his momentum back down the line, and in the process the company would be creating a true star. The problem now is where does Sheamus go from here? I said in my picks column that I thought he needed to win, but not like that. So Sheamus goes on to win a few fluke title defenses and then what? Did WWE create a new star? No. They just created a guy that everyone will agree had no business being on top. 3-4 months after that his heat will turn cold and he’ll be gone from the company. Yes, WWE can halter that trajectory, and here’s to hoping they do by establishing him as a credible champion. 7 Stars.