AJ Styles
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

5 WWE Superstars Who Could Undergo Big Character Changes Soon

daniel bryan
Photo by Sarah Sachs/Arizona Diamondbacks/Getty Images

#4.) Daniel Bryan – Turn face

It may come as a surprise that Daniel Bryan could turn face within less than a year from his heel turn, but in WWE, anything is possible. His heel turn worked not only because he’s one of the best in the world, but he had great opponents in AJ Styles and more importantly, Kofi Kingston to counter.

When the crowd got fully behind Kingston, Bryan became even more of an antagonist. Now that he’s a part of the tag team division (for the time being, atleast), Bryan doesn’t have any babyface team to really counter him and make him hated. He even teased a babyface turn on Stomping Grounds and the RAW after, showing all sorts of old babyface mannerisms.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Bryan went back to being a babyface singles star by the summer.

Next Page: 5 WWE Superstars Who Could Undergo Big Character Changes Soon


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