WWE Fastlane Results

5 Times The Wrong Superstar Won At WWE Fastlane

daniel bryan
Photo by Shivam Saxena/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

#2.) Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reigns – 2015

You probably already know the story about Roman Reigns’ fiasco of a victory at Royal Rumble 2015. Long story short, people wanted Daniel Bryan to win and even expected him to do so. However, he was eliminated early and Reigns won, much to the wrath of fans.

WWE decided that to prove that Reigns was deserving, what better way than to face and beat the most popular babyface in the company? So the first-ever Fastlane main event was set, with Daniel Bryan taking on Roman Reigns to secure a spot in the main event of WrestleMania 31.

Reigns became the first person to kick out of the running knee and even beat Bryan clean. While he got the endorsement from Bryan, fans didn’t buy into it at all. He did have a great match with Brock Lesnar over a month later, and to WWE’s credit, the right person walked out WWE Champion.

Next Page: 5 times the wrong superstar won at WWE Fastlane