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Cesaro’s 5 Most Mesmerizing In-Ring Moments

#3.) Cesaro obliterates his opponents in a rampage

The New Day had one final obstacle to overcome in order to break Demolition’s record as the longest-reigning tag team champions in WWE history. They went up against Gallows & Anderson and Sheamus & Cesaro for the tag team titles in a triple threat match.

During the match, Cesaro had one of the most incredible sequences that you’ll ever see in a match, period. He would hit the corkscrew springboard uppercut on Karl Anderson before hitting a “Swiss-One-Nine” (his own version of 619). He would then jump on Big E, immediately uppercut Kofi Kingston against the barricade and then hit a double stomp to Luke Gallows’ chest before running right back to the top turnbuckle and landing a crossbody on Anderson.

The crowd erupted for this sequence and rightfully so. It was another outstanding feat of athleticism and explosiveness from The Swiss Superman.