(Credt to Lovell Porter of WrestleZone for the coverage)
Hell in a Cell Match: Randy Orton vs Jeff Hardy
As soon as the bell rings Hardy is all over Orton. Orton kicks Hardy in the gut to take control. Orton pushes Hardy off the apron into the cell. Hardy slams Orton face-first into the cell. Hardy pulls a table from under the ring. Hardy rides a table like a surfboard into Orton’s gut. Hardy pulls a ladder from under the ring and hits Orton with it. Orton hits Hardy in the back with a chair as Hardy tries to put the Ladder in the ring. Orton sends Hardy into the cell. Orton tries to RKO Hardy on a chair. Hardy avoids it and leg lariats Orton into the cage. Hardy lands the Hardiac arrest. Orton kicks out. Hardy goes up top. Orton cuts him off. Orton superplexes Hardy. Hardy kicks out. Whisper in the wind for a near fall by Hardy. Hardy sets up the ladder in a v. Hardy tries to suplex Orton onto it. Orton counters and gourd busters Hardy on the inverted ladder. Orton rips off Hardy’s shirt and hits Hardy with a chair. Orton takes Hardy’s studded belt and whips Hardy with it. Orton places Hardy in a ladder. Orton traps Hardy’s head in between the rungs of the ladder.
Orton stomps on the ladder. Hardy lands a clothesline followed by an inverted atomic drop. Basement dropkick by Hardy. Orton kicks out. Orton counters the Twist of Fate into a powerslam. Hardy manages to kick out. Orton pulls a screwdriver out of a toolbox from under the ring. Orton traps Hardy’s arms. Orton puts a screwdriver in Hardy’s ear hole and twists it over and over again. Hardy low blows Orton to escape. Hardy whips Orton with the broken belt. Hardy hits Orton with a chair over and over again. Hardy goes up top. Orton knocks Hardy off the top rope. Hangman’s DDT by Orton. Hardy reverses the RKO into a Twist of Fate. Hardy places a chair on top of Orton and hits a Swanton Bomb. Orton kicks out! Hardy sets up to ladders in the ring. Hardy adds a table into the mix as well. Hardy lands the Twist of Fate. Hardy puts Orton on the table. Hardy swings from the top of the cage but Orton moves out of the way. Hardy goes through the table. The referee calls for medical assitance. Orton yells at the referee to do his job. The referee counts to three.
Winner- Randy Orton
.@JEFFHARDYBRAND may never be the same after this one…
The Viper STRIKES once again. #HIAC @RandyOrton pic.twitter.com/F1vap1SPGW
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) September 16, 2018
Read more at Lovell Porter’s LIVE Coverage of Hell In A Cell here.
Randy Orton
Randy Orton's Appearance at the WrestleMania 30 Press Conference!
WrestleMania 30 Press Conference
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 01: WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton attends the WrestleMania 30 press conference at the Hard Rock Cafe New York on April 1, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew Toth/FilmMagic)
WrestleMania 30 Press Conference
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 01: Randy Orton attends the WrestleMania 30 press conference at the Hard Rock Cafe New York on April 1, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Taylor Hill/WireImage)
WrestleMania 30 Press Conference
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 01: Dave Batista, Triple H, Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan attend the WrestleMania 30 press conference at the Hard Rock Cafe New York on April 1, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Taylor Hill/WireImage)
WrestleMania 30 Press Conference
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 01: Triple H, Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan attend the WrestleMania 30 press conference at the Hard Rock Cafe New York on April 1, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Taylor Hill/WireImage)
WrestleMania 30 Press Conference
NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 01: Hulk Hogan and Randy Orton attend the WrestleMania 30 press conference at the Hard Rock Cafe New York on April 1, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Taylor Hill/WireImage)