Photo Credit: Rex Andrews

Rex Andrews On Being Booker T’s Hand Picked Texas Champion, Heading To Japan To Work For Wrestle-1, More

WrestleZone is proud to present the following exclusive interview with former Reality of Wrestling TV and Texas Champion Rex Andrews.

You can listen to Rex’s interview in the embedded player at the top of this post or via WrestleZone Radio on iTunes.

We have included some of Rex’s comments transcribed below. (Please credit WZ for the transcriptions if you use them elsewhere)

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On moving from Alabama to Houston, TX to train with Booker T:

RA: When I was 18 I just made the move. I stayed in a hotel for the first four months, just kind of found my footing in the city and then I moved my way out here to Houston. I should have gone to college but I chose pro wrestling as my furthered education and pursued my education afterwards.

On being chosen by Booker T as his first ever ROW Texas Champion:

RA: Booker had a new concept where he wanted to develop a Texas Championship which was more like an old school, territory days title that would be traveled around with. It would represent the Reality of Wrestling brand and would be defended on other shows. He had this concept and he wanted me to be the guy to be the inaugural champion.

He gives me the Texas Championship, takes the TV Championship and then I spent most of 2017 traveling all over the country defending the Texas Championship and growing the Reality of Wrestling brand.

It was a lot of validation. I’ve been at ROW a long time and there is a feeling that you want to be ready to represent ROW as soon as you start working independents on a regular, every weekend type basis. When he gave me the Texas Championship and said, “I want you to represent my company and my brand everywhere.” It was like, “Yeah, you belong.” I took that ball and ran with it.

On his upcoming trip to Japan to train and wrestle for Wrestle-1 as part of a new ROW partnership:

RA: This was a deal brought together by They put together this big international deal between Wrestle-1 and Reality of Wrestling. The first step of that plan is for me to go to Wrestle-1 for the month of February and be living, working and training in the dojos there. I’ll be doing a daily video blog from in the dojo letting fans see what it’s like training at a Japanese wrestling dojo.

In the full interview Rex also discusses:

  • The importance of branding as an independent pro wrestler
  • Advice that Booker T has given him
  • Moving from Alabama to Houston when he was 18 to train with Booker T
  • What surprised him about pro wrestling training
  • Who Rex Andrews the wrestler is
  • What it was like to be chosen by Booker T as his Booker’s first-ever ROW Texas Champion
  • His upcoming trip to Japan to train and wrestle with Wrestle-1
  • If he thinks we’ll see another Booker T WWE run
  • Whether or not he’d like to be a WWE Superstar
  • More…