jinder mahal
Photo by Robert Marquardt/Getty Images

WWE Live New Delhi Results (12/9): Triple H Beats Jinder Then Dances w/ Him & The Singhs, Raftar & Rama In Action, More (Photos/Videos)

WWE Live New Delhi Results (12/9): Triple H Beats Jinder Then Dances w/ Him & The Singhs, Raftar & Rama In Action, More (Photos/Videos)

Thank you to WrestleZonian Yash Shah for the following live report from today’s WWE Live event in New Delhi, India.

You are always welcome to write myself (nick@wrestlezone.com) or Bill Pritchard (bill.pritchard@wrestlezone.com) if you would like to submit a live report from a show.

Related: Triple H Defeats Jinder Mahal In India; Mahal Comments

The Stadium was almost full with arnd 14k loud fans.The atmosphere was electric.
1) Finn Balor vs Bray Wyatt
Finn won with a Coup De Grace. Good Match.
2) Kishan Raftar & Jeet Rama vs The Miztourage
Kishan and Jeet won.
3) Sasha Banks vs Alexa Bliss 
Bliss won with a rollup.
4) Jason Jordan vs Elias Samson
Jason Jordan won.
5) The Shield vs Cesaro, Sheamus & Samoa Joe
The Shield won .Solid match. Biggest pop of the night went to the shield. The Shield were over with fans huge. Roman too got a huge pop.
6) Titus and Apollo Crews vs The Club
Titus and Crews won.
7) Enzo vs Kalisto
Enzo won.
8) Kane vs Braun Strowman
Strowman won via DQ. Kane used a chair. Strowman later put Kane through a table.
Both of them were over huge. To the surprise of all of us fans out there, Triple H beat Jinder clean. Triple H later payed respect to Jinder and shook hands. He also danced alongside Jinder and the Singh Brothers only to pedigree one of the Singh Brothers in the end.
All in all a fun show