The Rock Denies Ric Flair ’30 For 30′ Rumor
A fan tweeted The Rock earlier today expressing his disappointment that he had turned down an offer to appear in Ric Flair’s ’30 For 30′ special on ESPN.
The Rock responded to the rumor with the following:
Turned down? Not true. Ric and his fam are very good friends of mine and my family.
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) November 6, 2017
Related: Triple H Says He’d ‘Dance One More Time’ w/ The Rock
Sheamus Pays Homage To Rick & Morty w/ His Mohawk
Sheamus has posted the following on Twitter continuing to share his fandom for the popular cartoon Rick & Morty:
Sometimes, it just gets too crowded in The Matrix. #iamrick #RickandMorty pic.twitter.com/7GV0rOYmiN
— Sheamus (@WWESheamus) November 9, 2017