Low Ki Comments On Alberto El Patron Being Stripped Of The World Title, State Of The X Division, Wrestlers Taking Risks

Low Ki recently spoke with Brian Fritz for Sporting News; you can read a few excerpts below:

Low Ki comments on GFW stripping Alberto El Patron of the World Championship: 

It was definitely a surprise. I wasn’t sure as far as the direction of where things were going only because when you have a pending suspension or a suspension that was established and then pending the internal investigation, it’s always up in the air as far as what’s going to happen. And with a top priority in Alberto being the champion, it sucks because I understand as a performer how much work in takes to become a world champion. It’s an incredible amount of work just to be a wrestler let alone trying to balance both your personal and professional life in the public realm. It’s one of those things where I feel for him but, unfortunately, this is what happens when you’re outside activities can hurt you in your professional life. Best of luck to him in getting everything situated and get him back on track with things but, for now, I got my sights set on the world championship.

Low Ki comments on how Alberto’s incident at the Orlando International Airport reflects on him, not on Global Force Wrestling: 

This was an instance where this had no reflection on the company. This was the individual, the performer’s affairs that had gotten out of hand which created this situation. I wouldn’t regard it as anything relevant to GFW because they did their part in providing him opportunity to become a champion, which he did, and he had been generating momentum moving forward, especially with gearing up with the first encounter in GFW between he and I. Everything was moving forward but these were issues or instances that had relevance to him solely. It’s not the company’s responsibility to manage a person’s personal affairs. With that being said, these are things he must address. This is not stuff the company has to address because the company is doing what the company has always done which is continuing moving forward. With that being said, hopefully, things will work out in favor for him moving forward so he can rebuild and return but, at the moment, this is the situation and the circumstances we’re presented with. We have to move forward.

Low Ki comments on the current state of the X Division, wrestlers taking more risks in the ring: 

It’s interesting to see but it’s frustrating at the same time. When we began the X Division, it was based off of a high level of competitiveness amongst the performers, amongst the wrestlers. Now, that killer instinct is not necessarily there. A big part of that is because sports entertainment has taken over, more so that pro wrestling. That’s unfortunate because these men and women sacrifice more than any of us would ever assume is needed for what we do.

That fact of being regarded as an entertainer and not a pro athlete, it’s a discredit. It’s a devaluation of the human being who is actually doing a hell of a lot more than what they let on. And, to make it even more realistic, you have to understand that even though a paying customer or a fan, they get to go home after that show is over, the damage accumulated by that human being in that ring does not. That’s something that I think is a big part of why pro wrestlers are not seen in the same light as they should.