Photo Credit: WWN Live

EVOLVE 84 Results From Chicago (5/20): Double Main Event, Matt Riddle vs Kyle O’Reilly, Zack Sabre Jr. Defends Against Ethan Page

1. Keith Lee def. Donovan Dijack. Just an awesome, back and forth opening bout between two big brutes who also know how to fly when they need to. They hit each other with everything in their kits, and then used each other’s signature and finishing moves, but neither could put the other away. Lee reversed Dijack’s Feast Your Eyes into a Poison Frankensteiner then hit his Spirt Bomb from the second rope to win a hard-fought war.

2. Fred Yehi def. Jason Kincaid. Another great back and forth match with both guys targeting limbs and weakening them for submissions. Kincaid has this awesome float-over kneebar you just have to see. Yehi won it with an Ace Crusher into the Koji Clutch for the submission.

3. Lio Rush def. Austin Theory. Another change of pace to the crazy, high-flying match of the evening. There was so much going on it would have been impossible to keep up with all of it. Rush hit a moonsault to the outside early on, and seemed to be in control for a lot of the bigger spots. Theory fought back and hit a spin-out Argentine Powerbomb, but came up empty on a moonsault, and Rush took advantage with Rush Hour into the Dragon’s Call for the win.

4. Tracy Williams def. Jeff Cobb. A classic strength vs. speed story told between two of the best in Evolve. Cobb used his wide arsenal of throws and power moves while Williams out-maneuvered Cobb and lit him up with strikes and submissions. Out of options they just started throwing hands at the end. Cobb went for Tour of the Islands, but Williams reversed it into a small package to steal the win.

5. Chris Dickenson & Jaka (c) def. Isaias Velasquez & Matt Knicks to retain the EVOLVE Tag Team Championships. This came after a big heel promo from Stokely Hathaway trashing Chicago and praising the work of Catch Point. He threatened Matt Riddle and Keith Lee, and questioned the local Freelance promotion, which brought out Isaias and Knicks. The champs retained in another great match. Jaka was going it alone near the end, fighting off the challengers two-on-one. He took stereo forearms and superkicks, but Dickenson returned to save his partner. Isaias took the pin after a Death Trap.

6. Zack Sabre Jr. (c) def. Ethan Page to retain the EVOLVE World Championship. Just an incredible main event level match with no love loss between either guy, who just wanted to rip the other to shreds. Page came out fighting and they traded strike for strike. Sabre went for the submissions as expected and Page did what he had to to survive, including a double-underhook backbreaker off the barricade and a powerbomb off the apron. He went for a superplex but ZSJ put him in an octopus stretch on the top rope, countered into a second rope powerslam. Page threw everything he had at the champ including a package piledriver and a superkick but it wasn’t enough. Sabre caught him with a sleeper hold into a Penalty Kick, then another. Page gave him two middle fingers, so Sabre put him down with a third and fourth PK to retain.

7. Matt Riddle (c) def. Kyle O’Reilly to retain the WWN Championship. Another amazing match to cap off a night of amazing matches. This one went the distance, and as you’d expect both guys threw everything they had in a brutal exchange of strikes, kicks, submissions and counters throughout. After a long hard-fought war, Riddle almost had it with a sit-out powerbomb, but O’Reilly reversed immediately into triangle choke. They teased a submission with KOR throwing heavy kicks to Riddle’s face while in the hold, but the champ deadlifted him into the air, only to get caught into front-mounted choke! Riddle countered into a jumping Tombstone Piledriver, locked into the Bromission, and started throwing punches until KOR was forced to tap out.