Anyone who has ever come close to the WWE, surely knows who the Bella sisters are. These two charismatic and extremely capable professional wrestlers are known both for their in-ring skills and their exceptional beauty. Both of them were at one point WWE Divas Champions, with Nikki holding the title for 301 days, which is the world record. The two have made many appearances on various media, but they are perhaps best known for their participation in the reality show called Total Divas. The show’s intention is to present the personal lives of female WWE performers, as well as offer some backstage footage from the fights.
However, it is this reality show that really stirred things up and got internet crazy. Namely in one episode of the season 1 (episode 4 to be precise), an idea surfaced that made everyone question reality. A kind of an Inception moment, you know? It was the question of whether Nikki Bella is fat. Mind-blowing, we know…
So, how did it come about? Well, during one breakfast with Jojo and Eva Marie, Nikki was shown an Instagram comment describing her as the fat twin. It really hit a nerve and the producers decided to go along with it, portraying Nikki in the next scene as a voracious beast, guzzling the dessert like there’s no tomorrow. This behavior led her sister Brie to put Nikki on a 20-day special diet that didn’t allow alcohol or, obviously her favorite, desserts. However, it all fell down when Nikki resigned and drank a whole bottle of wine. At that point Brie simply repeated that mind-boggling notion of Nikki being overweight.
Of course, fans wouldn’t be fans if they didn’t start torturing the internet, asking for an explanation to this new nickname that kept appearing here and there. What made Nikki fat? According to WWE, Nikki has 125 pounds, although she herself admitted to her sister on the show that she was actually 135. Either way, those are rather normal number for this minute wrestler.
After a while, certain theories surfaced, with some people claiming that the nickname possibly stems from her high-school days. Perhaps she was a bit chubby in those days as many teenagers are, but it’s not really an issue now. Another idea was that it was simply a way of setting the two apart with Nikki being a bit more, say, noticeable, with her new breast implants. Either way, it’s a wrong word to be used.
And, of course, this being the internet era, a number of photos appeared of the wrestler photoshopped to live up to her new nickname. Somebody really put some effort into it. So, to conclude, is Nikki Bella fat? Not at all, and yes, the internet is a strange, strange place.