Isenberg Reacts: Kurt’s Career in TNA

It has been one interesting ride, to say the least, for Kurt Angle in TNA. A man who defined The Three I’s in WWE and transitioned into becoming the face of TNA for many years said goodbye to TNA last night. In 2006, Kurt Angle made his debut with a great video and the hype around a man that was the best in-ring performer WWE had.
There can be many “what-ifs” surrounding Angle, most importantly about his health. Instead of dwelling on the negatives, I want to shine a spotlight on what positive things he did for TNA. I am a firm believer that he is a HUGE reason why TNA never sank. Credibility is hard to gain, but when you gain it you are gold. They tread waters when not many people cared about professional wrestling. He survived three television station changes and multiple creative changes over his time in the company. With a lighter schedule, he was able to preserve his body from the 300 day travel that WWE offered. He was able to continue to put on high quality matches with some of the best talent in the world. From Samoa Joe to Bobby Lashley and everyone in between, Angle always did what was best for the business that made him plenty of money and plenty of fame.
Kurt Angle can change the three I’s to the three L’s. Love, Loyalty and Longevity.
Angle loves wrestling. He has ever since he won a gold medal with a broken freakin’ neck. He continued that and never completely turned from wrestling to pursue other careers. Yes, he had some movie roles, but he never forgot about what he loved the most. It shows. Kurt Angle is the definition of wrestler.
Angle has been loyal to TNA for almost a decade. When other men jumped the ship back to WWE, Angle was the anchor that kept this ship afloat. His loyalty to a company that treated him like an icon is so admirable. Will he go back to WWE for a final run? Maybe, but he could have done that years ago when things turned south. He did not and I have so much respect for a him because of that. If you think he could not have gone back to WWE years ago, you are a fool.
Angle has had longevity in a profession that is known for shortening careers. Is he a cyborg? Possibly. Is he human? Doubtful. The guy is a machine and his longevity is uncanny. The way he performs, the type of style he works and the constant battle with injuries shows that Kurt put everything he had on the line for the fans and for his love of wrestling.
For someone who watches TNA weekly and watches how good Kurt Angle has been over the past ten years in TNA, I can honestly say it was my pleasure to see him perform. I hope we get one more run, but he has nothing left to prove. Thank you, Kurt. Maybe one day, I will actually come up and say hello to you at LA Fitness.