Complete Ring of Honor TV Taping Results for Tonight *Spoilers*

ring of honorSource:

The Decade’s Adam Page with BJ Whitmer & Colby Corino vs. Matt Sydal

Sydal controlled the action early with some kicks and nice hiptosses and armdrags.  He went for a sliding kick to the outside but Page avoided it and nailed a kick of his own.  Page argued with the referee, allowing The Decade to work Sydal over on the outside.  Page hit a nice powerslam for a two count.

Page continued working over Sydal, smashing him into the turnbuckles.   Sydal used several pinfall techniques for near falls.  Page came back with a fall away slam with a bridge for another two count.  Sydal kept fighting back but Page controlled him until Sydal nailed with a big knee.   Sydal lit him up with a series of kicks and leaping knees.  He used his leaping knee driver for a two count.

Sydal used a modified legdrop and a standing moonsault press for a two count.  He missed a leaping kick but caught Page on the rebound.   Sydal went to the top but was wiped out and crotched.  He was nailed with a nice backbreaker for a two count.  They battled to the rop where Page went for a superplex.  Sydal fought his off and teased the shooting star press but Page rolled to the outside of the apron.  Sydal leapt off and nailed him but Page came back with an awesome lariat for a close two count.

They continued back and forth until Sydal nailed the shooting star press off the top and scored the pin.

Your winner, Matt Sydal!

One of the better Page showings of late.  They really had a nice match.