WWE Live Event Results (2/1): Wichita, Kansas; Who Replaced CM Punk?, WWE Offers Refunds

SheamusSource: PWInsider.com

WWE had The Shield entered through the crowd.  When they got to the ring, they said CM Punk wasn't here and if you want a refund, you can get it up until the end of the second match.  They made a challenge and The Usos and Sheamus, who was replacing Punk accepted.  They would fight later on.

Mark Henry and Big E. Langston beat Rybaxel.

Alexander Rusev destroyed Zack Ryder.

Natalya beat Tamina in a Dance Off, which the fans picked for them to do.  Natalya danced.  Tamina attacked her and it turned into a match, which Natalya won.

Sheamus and The Usos beat The Shield.

The Miz beat Damien Sandow.

Bad News Barrett beat Kofi Kingston.

Bray Wyatt (with The Family) beat Daniel Bryan in a steel cage to end the show. Afterward, Bray and company attacked Bryan until Sheamus and The Usos made the save.