WWE Smackdown Results (8/2) – Punk vs Fandango, Kaitlyn Betrayed, Triple Threat #1 Contender’s Match

WWE SmackdownWWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

August 2nd 2013

Alberto Del Rio comes out and says he needs to thank them… for nothing, because they never wanted him to be champion. He says he is champion again and there's nothing they can do about it, but he needs to thank Vickie Guerrero for being fair with him. Alberto praises her for letting him choose his Summerslam opponent, then he says John Cena wasted his championship pick on Daniel Bryan, but that's because Cena fears him. Alberto talks about his choices before he announces Ricardo Rodriguez as his choice, then Vickie makes her way to the ring and says that will not happen.

Vickie says she feels disrespected by him, but Alberto says he can make another choice right now because he didn't mean to do that at all. Alberto says he can pick the Brooklyn Brawler, but Vickie says she anticipated this move so she acted early and they will have a triple threat match tonight. Vickie says Rob Van Dam, Randy Orton and Christian will face each other, and the winner will face Alberto at Summerslam, something the champion is not too happy about.

Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Cody Rhodes

Zeb tries to cut a promo before the match but Cody slaps the mic away from him and decks Swagger, then the bell rings and Cody knees him in the face. Swagger comes back with a belly-to-belly slam, then he knees Cody in the corner before whipping him across the ring and clotheslining him. Swagger puts him in a seated stretch but Cody elbows him and goes for a Disaster Kick, only to have Sawgger duck and hits a Swagger Bomb for two. Swagger punches him near the ropes a few times and sets up a gutwrench slam, but Cody floats over and takes the win with a rollup. Josh Mathews asks Cody for his thoughts backstage, and Cody says he might have done the same thing to Damien at Money In The Bank. He says the reason he threw Sandow's briefcase in the water was because he's sick and tired of being looked down on, then Sandow attacks him from behind until he's pulled away by referees.

Winner – Cody Rhodes