Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 5-2-13

Impact WrestlingThe Undercard

Chris Sabin defeated Zema Ion and Sonjay Dutt to become the number one contender. I really enjoyed this match for a few reasons. Ion is a very underrated talent in TNA that can really work with anybody. We have Sonjay, who is a veteran who rarely misses a beat. Sabin was going to win this match, no doubt. He desrves it and is going to be a great addition to the X-Division chase. Kenny King has needed someone viable to compete with and feud with. Sabin could very well be that guy. He hit a beautiful belly-to-belly suplex before finishing him off with a Fisherman's suplex modifier for the win. It was paced well and really came off well on television.

Grade: B+

Rob Terry defeated Joey Ryan, Jesse Godderz, and Robbie E. A 3-1 match is always gong to be booked the same way. Terry struggled at first and then cleared the ring of the men. He finally hits his finisher on Ryan. I thought Joey Ryan was really a solid and different character when he started. Since then, he has accomplished nothing and has taken steps backwards. He is just another guy in the company now.

Grade: C-

Kurt Angle defeated D'Lo Brown in an "I Quit Match." Brown was a victim of the intensity and aggression from Angle, who took over the match from teh very beginning. It was more of a brawl and scrappy fight than anything else. Aces and Eights get involved briefly. Angle became the machine in the ring, like usual, with 5 German Suplexes in a row. Brown was surprisingly quick in the ring to keep up with Angle. When you look at D'Lo, you are unsure to know how he is going to keep up with someone who continues to defy the odds. No injury can keep down Angle for a long period of time. Angle puts his ankle lock in and makes Brown scream I Quit. There was nothing extremely special about this match. Why D'Lo? I still do not understand why he is a member and apart of this group. Another WWE castoff gets valuable time when younger guys should be getting the exposure.

Grade: C

Terryn Terrell and Mickie James defeated Gail Kim and Tara in some decent Knockouts action. This is one thing TNA does better than WWE. They continue to produce women who are talented in many avenues. All four of these ladies showcase something different. Tara is a veteran who can be more physical and technical, while Mickie is an all around ring technician. Terryn is extremely attractive and has that going for her. Gail Kim is the complete package of athleticism and unique moves. We had a hot tag with Terrell hitting a snap suplex. You can see her attention to detail. She is slowly getting better and better. If she continues to work with 3 veterans like this, it will only enhance her talents.

Grade: B-