Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 3-28-13

Impact WrestlingThe Undercard

Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez defeated Bad Influence to kick off the wrestling action of Impact Wrestling. Once again, Impact does a great job at building multiple teams while not necessarily tearing down one of them. This was a highly contested match where Chavo and Daniels really dominated the technical parts. You had Hernandez come in and hit a few suplexes and strength moves. Both men hit great flying shoulder tackles from the outside of the ring, which I was impressed with. I did not know Hernandez had that much athleticism. The finish came when Chavo hit a Frog Splash for the win. Like I said, it did not bury either team and was a match where you didn't know who would win. Well done to keep me on the edge of my seat.

Grade: B+

-Taryn comes out and talks about who she wants to challenge Gail Kim. Kim comes out and makes a joke of it, and that prompts Tara to come out and the attack is on. I really thought this was planned out well because Velvet Sky ended up making the save. Taryn has been a slow progression for the past few months, but she is finally coming out of her own. She showed some aggression, intensity, and really looks fantastic. She is super sexy and easy to like. I really think she has a shot at being really good. I have not seen her wrestle in a very long time, so that will be the deciding factor for me. Once again, I enjoy how TNA is actually utilizing more of their talent but not overexposing them too quickly this week.

Grade: B-