WWE RAW Results (11/12) – Team Foley Gains Final Member, Vickie Reveals More Evidence, Punk vs Cena


By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

November 12th 2012

Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler

Dolph hits a shoulder block then sends Orton into the ropes, but Orton throws him up into the air and shoves him on the apron. Orton suplexes him back in and gets a two count, then he sends him into the corner but Dolph elbows him in the head and dropkicks him for a near fall. Dolph follows up with a neckbreaker and some elbow drops, then he taunts Orton before hitting a final elbow for a close near fall. Dolph applies a headlock but Orton counters with a suplex, then Dolph charges him but Orton drops him with some clotheslines and a powerslam. Orton throws him on the apron and connects with a hanging DDT, then he gets the crowd into it and calls for a RKO. Alberto Del Rio runs out and tries to distract him, but Orton shoves him off the apron and fights off Dolph then rolls him up for the win.

Winner – Randy Orton

Ricardo, Alberto and Dolph attack Orton after the bell, but Kofi Kingston runs out to fight them off and Teddy Long follows him out and tells them to hold up. Teddy says Vickie Guerrero must be too obsessed with the AJ Lee scandal to pay attention, but he is out here of behalf of Booker T to make an announcement. He says this is a Supershow so he is going to do something super, and they will restart the match as a tag team match right now.

Kofi Kingston & Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio

Kofi hits a dropkick as we go to a break, then we get back to see Alberto put Kofi in an extended chinlock, then he throws him in the corner and tags out. Dolph goes for a neckbreaker but Kofi counters with a backslide pin attempt, then Dolph dropkicks him in the face puts him in a headstand headlock. Kofi breaks the hold but Dolph shoves him in the corner, then he goes for a corner splash but Kofi dives away and gets the tag. Orton runs in and punches Alberto and knocks Dolph outside, then he powerslams Alberto and sets him up for a hanging DDT. Alberto frees himself but Orton kicks him and tags out, then Kofi hits the S.O.S. but Dolph dives in and breaks up the pin. Orton clotheslines Dolph outside and Kofi sets up Trouble In Paradise, but Ricardo jumps up and distracts him so Alberto hits a step up enziguiri for the win.

Winners – Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio