Growing Up in the IWF Plus What’s Next for the WWE?

I wrote this on my MySpace Blog but I wanted to share it with everyone.

You start in life and think you know everything… then you hit the wall and realize you know nothing. I graduated from FSU and never worked once to succeed. Everything came easy… hell, getting into wrestling was easy. Just talk good and I was in. Then, in front of hundreds in the arena and dozens watching at home, I was the incredible screaming shits… but I didn’t get fired. But I should have.

Back in 1991, I started working for the IWF at Universal Studios. Eddy Mansfield was my second boss (Cliff Anderson was first… thanks Cliff!) in the business. He had been around and seen and done more than I ever dreamed of. He had “more shower time than I had ring time” but he was patient with me and let me find my way.

I learned from my friends like Candieman, Big Till, Danny and Bruno, Randy and Randy, Nasty Ronnie and Nasty Ned, Blackjack Mulligan, Mondo Kleen and so many more! I didn’t suck too much after a while and learned to craft the story of the match. I can’t thank everyone enough who allowed me to be a part of everything in the business back in the early days in Florida. From setting up and tearing down the rings to road trips and partying, I was with a bunch of pros who shit bigger than most of the so-called top guys in the indys nowadays.

After the IWF went away, it was all around the state with Wayne’s Auction in Plant City, the Flea Market in Hudson, where I met the Rock before he was the Rock and learned so much from Cuban and Fantasy. David, thank you brother for all you did.

Without Kip, I wouldn’t have gotten to the WWE. Yes, Billy Gunn is, was and will always be an asshole (just ask him) but he got me my job and led me down the next chapter in my life. I will always be in his debt.

Go back and look at the lineup we had in the IWF back in 1991-1992. Mondo, the Longriders (Smoking Gunns), Blackjack Mulligan, Big Till, Chubby MC, Nasty Ned, Nasty Ronnie, the Stomper (who went to Hollywood… rent The Mask), Cliff Anderson, the Dynamite Express, the Bad Boys, Chris Proctor, Nuke Ass Bob, Dennis Allen, Denny Brown, a very young Rob Van Dam, Candieman and the list goes on. What a crew!

Throw young guys in like Chris Nelson who became one of my best friends and the Florida days were fun as my wife showed great patience while I ran around with the circus.

Next time, I’ll write about some more of my friends like the Black Nature Boy Scoot Andrews and the next generation of Florida stars that I grew to love as well. I still rock the BNB t-shirt!

Let’s face it. Vince needs to blow up the rosters and the formats and take Raw to another level. It’s time for something new… Give all who want time off whatever they want. Run with the young hungry guys and try and sign someone like Robert Roode and make him a star.

I have such respect and admiration for Scott Hudson. I was on VOW tonight and I could talk wrestling with him for days. He said something tonight that may come true.

Scott said that he could see the WWE letting some mid-carders go and then sign some good, young TNA talent and make them huge. I’ve been screaming and jumping up and down about Roode for years and he would be perfect for Vince.

Let’s see what happens.

Also, I love everyone who wrote me and said they want to be a part of a creative project. Good news! Everyone who wrote to me will have a chance to show what they can do if you can write for guys you may have never heard of. I’ll let more out when I have it confirmed but this looks like it will be huge and fun! if you want to be part of the team.

Till next week!