Funny “12 Rounds” Spoiler, Several FCW News & Updates

PerfectM4Life sent along the following to I thought this was a funny tidbit that people may not have noticed yet….  In Cena’s new movie, 12 Rounds, at the end where he is climbing out of the pool with his girlfriend, they walk past a couple trying to get romantic in a hot tub and the music playing in the background is Mark Henry’s entrance theme from his Sexual Chocolate gimmick.  If you watch the credits, they even show it as a musical credit to Jim Johnston, etc.

Jordan Howes sent along the following to

This week’s FCW had several matches of interest as both the Florida tag team championships and the FCW Championship were on the line.  The opening match saw a returning Sebastian Slater get a big reaction from the crowd as he got a win over a debuting superstar from South Africa named Justin Angel.  In the matchup for the Florida Tag Team Championship, Trent Bertta and Caylen Croft challenged Johnny Curtis and Tyler Reks, but were disqualified when Bertta hit Reks with the belt.  In the main even Eric Escobar put his title on the line against Joe Henning, son of WWE Hall of Famer Mr. Perfect.  Joe had been getting over with the crowd in recent weeks as they often responded with a “That was perfect,” cheer after his wins. After a hard fought battle Joe Henning scored the victory using the Perfect Plex a second time.  The crowd got behind him as well as several of the FCW superstars who came out to congratulate him.  Despite the loss this could be a good sign for Escobar as former FCW Jack Swager was called up to WWE not long after he lost the FCW championship, though another FCW championship, Sheamus O’Shaunessy remains in FCW.

In an interesting side note, FCW president Steve Keirn, who is also former WWE Skinner, has been making several spots for Metropolitan Ministries, an organization that feeds the homeless of Tampa Bay.  In these promotions, he mentioned his father was Colonel Richard Paul Keirn of the United States Air Force who Steve Keirn says one of only two men in history a prisoner in two wars.  He goes on to explain that his father said the worst torture he ever received was hunger, showing the need to help the hungry of the area.

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