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Image Credit: All Elite Wrestling

AEW All In 2024 Results: Bryan Danielson Puts His Career On The Line In World Title Match

On August 25, All Elite Wrestling presented AEW All In from Wembley Stadium.

Among other matches, Bryan Danielson put his career on the line when he challenged Swerve Strickland for the AEW World Championship. Plus, Mercedes Moné defended the TBS Championship against Britt Baker, Toni Storm defended the AEW Women’s World Championship against Mariah May, and Will Ospreay challenged MJF for the AEW American Championship.

The results are as follows:

AEW All In: Zero Hour

Renee Paquette, Jeff Jarrett, and RJ City are on the pre-show panel, and they welcome viewers. They discuss the show and the card. Lexy Nair and Arkady Aura also hype up the show.

Taz joins the panel to preview HOOK’s match against Chris Jericho.

The panel continues to discuss the card. Lexy Nair previews the Coffin Match between Jack Perry and Darby Allin.

Madison Rayne joins the panel to discuss the match between Mercedes Moné and Britt Baker.

Highlights of Will Ospreay’s interview with Renee Paquette are shown.

Paquette’s interview with Bryan Danielson’s wife Brie is shown.

AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland is shown signing a new AEW contract.

Private Party come out and hype up the crowd ahead of the first match.

16-Man Tag: Ariya Daivari, Dark Order (Evil Uno & Alex Reynolds), Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen) & Anthony Ogogo vs. Kyle Fletcher, Rocky Romero, Kip Sabian, “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington, Lio Rush, Action Andretti & Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin)

Billington and Lethal start the bout and trade blows. Ogogo and Sabian tag in, and Ogogo gains the upper hand. Sabian catches him with a dropkick. Andretti tags in and maintains the advantage. The match breaks down as the two teams brawl. Rush and Singh are left alone in the ring. Rush chops Singh, but the blows don’t faze him. Rush’s partners gang up on Singh. Singh throws Rush onto a group of competitors at ringside.

Silver and his teammates gang up on Andretti and isolate him. Sabian tags in and rallies with a flurry of offense. Fletcher catches Lethal with a cutter. He fends off a double-team by Private Party and keeps rolling. Top Flight, Billington, and Fletcher dive onto opponents at ringside. Private Party double-teams Sabian. Romero takes control, but Ogogo drops him.

Fletcher spikes Ogogo with a Tombstone. Dark Order double-teams Fletcher. Dante Martin scores the win with a splash on Daivari.

Winners: Kyle Fletcher, Rocky Romero, Kip Sabian, “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington, Lio Rush, Action Andretti & Top Flight (Dante Martin & Darius Martin)

AEW announces that All In will be held in Australia on February 15, 2025.

Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway vs. Willow Nightingale & Tomohiro Ishii

Hathaway tags out to avoid Ishii. Statlander and Nightingale battle back and forth. They’re evenly matched early on. Nightingale slams Willow. Hathaway interferes, sending Nightingale crashing to the floor. Statlander gains the upper hand. She suplexes Nightingale on the floor and maintains the advantage. Statlander continues to control the match. Nightingale fires up and drops Statlander.

Ishii tags in, forcing Hathaway to enter the match. Hathaway reluctantly gets in the ring, and Ishii hits him with stiff strikes. Statlander saves Hathaway from a brianbuster and takes the fight to Ishii. Hathaway drops Ishii with a spinebuster, but Ishii pops back up. Stokely punches Ishii in the corner. Ishii powerbombs Stokely. Ishii drills Stokely with a stiff shot for the win.

Winners: Tomohiro Ishii & Willow Nightingale

Tony Khan and Dr. Martha Hart come to the stage. Tony Khan hypes up the crowd, and Dr. Hart wishes Bryan Danielson and Mariah May, good luck in their title matches following their win in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournaments.

Forbidden Door 2025 is confirmed for London.

Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) and Cage of Agony (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun, and Toa Liona) & Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Katsuyori Shibata &The Von Erichs (Marshall Von Erich and Ross Von Erich) (with Kevin Von Erich)

The two teams start brawling at ringside. Dustin Rhodes and Mike Bennett get in the ring as the fight continues. Rhodes and his teammates hit stereo kicks on their opponents. Guevara drops Kaun with a forearm and sends Liona to the outside. Guevara keeps rolling. He squares off with Brian Cage but dives onto Kaun at ringside. Liona trucks over Guevara with a shoulder tackle.

Bennett and his team isolate Guevara. Rhodes tags in and rallies. Bodies start flying as the match breaks down. Ross Von Erich dives onto Liona. Taven rocks him with a springboard kick. Taven dives onto a crowd of competitors at ringside. Cage dumps Rhodes onto the group and dives onto them. Guevara dives onto everyone at ringside. Rhodes hits a Destroyer on Taven for a two-count. Shibata locks in a sleeper. Several competitors are down after a powerbomb/suplex combination. Taven drills Shibata with a knee. Dustin hits a Crossrhodes for a two-count.

The Gates of Agony take control. Cage of Agony gangs up on Rhodes with a powerbomb. Guevara rallies, and the Von Erichs fight off the Gates of Agony. Taven is left by himself, and Guevara hits a Swanton for the win.

Winners: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, Katsuyori Shibata & The Von Erichs (Marshall Von Erich and Ross Von Erich)

Undisputed Kingdom and Cage of Agony attack the winners after the bell. Kevin Von Erich stares them down and locks in the Claw on Taven. The Von Erichs, Guevara, and Rodes also lock in Claws.

The panel continues to preview the show.

Saraya comes to the ring with her family and Harley Cameron. Cameron says that Saraya is “pissed”, and the show cannot go on. Saraya hypes herself up and demands respect. She demands respect, and Jamie Hayter makes her return. Hayter brawls with Saraya’s allies and gets in the ring for what appears to be an impromptu match. Hayter punches Saraya’s mom. Saraya escapes, but Hayter drops Harley Cameron with a lariat.

Trios Title Match At AEW All In

London Ladders Match For AEW World Trios Championship: The Patriarchy (Christian Cage, Killswitch & Nick Wayne) (c) vs. House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King) vs. Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) vs. PAC & Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta)

The match breaks down in a brawl, and the competitors fight at ringside. Buddy Matthews goes to climb a ladder, but Austin Gunn stops him. Black stops Yuta, Castagnoli drills him with an uppercut. Colten catches Brody King with a dropkick. Black dives onto Castagnoli, and Yuta and Matthews both follow with dives of their own. PAC then dives onto everyone.

The Gunns double-team PAC. King trucks over the Gunns and dives onto several competitors at ringside. Christian Cage comes running down after having been absent for the bout so far. He goes to climb the ladder and get the belts, but King and Castagnoli stop him. They throw him over the ropes and onto several competitors. Mother Wayne goes to get the titles, but the Gunns stop her. Killswitch dishes out chokeslams.

Nick Wayne puts King through a table with Wayne’s World. Killswitch goes to climb, but Cage says he wants to do it himself. King takes control with a cannonball in the corner. The Gunns drop Kick with 3:10 to Yuma, Castagnoli fires up with some uppercuts and puts Robinson in the swing. PAC dives onto Yuta. He and Yuta dive onto Black and Matthews at ringside. The Gunns hit Castagnoli with chairs. Castganoli and King send The Gunns through tables as they fall backwards off a ladder.

Wayne catches Matthews with Wayne’s World. Wayne puts Black through a table with a dive into a Destroyer at ringside. Juice Robinson climbs the ladder, but Christian Cage shoves the ladder, crouching Juice on the ropes. Cage drops PAC with a Killswitch on a chair. Yuta goes to climb, but Cage sprays him with hairspray and hits him with a chair. Juice blocks Mother Wayne from spraying him and sprays her instead. He goes to slam her, but Killswitch stops him and kicks him into a table. Cage sends Matthews through a table with a Spear. Cage goes to climb the ladder, but PAC meets him. Cage falls, and PAC unhooks the titles.

Winners and new AEW World Trios Champions: PAC, Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta

King and the House of Black show their respect for the new champions after the match.

Toni Storm Defends Against Mariah May

AEW Women’s World Championship: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs. “The Glamour” Mariah May

Storm gets a special entrance with a video showing her competing at Wembley Stadium in 1924. Luther makes his return as part of her entrance. Storm and May get in each other’s faces and stare each other down. They trade blows. May catches Storm with a dropkick and gains the upper hand. Storm rallies and goes for a hip attack, but May evades it. May powerbombs Storm onto the floor. May confronts Luther, who is clearly angry. Back in the ring, May slams Storm and dropkicks her again. She maintains the advantage. Storm tries to rally, but May suplexes her.

May catches Storm with a diving knee strike. May blindsided Luther with a kick. She gets in her mom’s face and slaps her. Storm fires up and hits the Storm Zero on the steps. Storm hugs May’s mom. May is busted open, and Storm tales the fight to her. Storm slaps her. May rallies with a hip attack. She hits two more hip attacks. Storm blocks a third and levels her with a lariat. She dumps May with a German suplex. A hip attack from Storm and a Storm Zero earn her a near-fall.

May and Storm trade strikes. May hits Storm below the belt, and Storm hits her right back. Both women are down after a headbutt. May hits Mayday for a two-count. Luther stops May from using the title and flips her off. Storm grabs her shoe, but Mariah begs her for mercy. Storm hesitates, and May rolls her up for a two-count. May hits two knee strikes and a Storm Zero for the win.

Winner and new AEW Women’s World Champion: Mariah May

The crowd chants for Toni Storm after the match, and she is overcome with emotion.

Chris Jerico Defends Against HOOK

FTW Championship: Chris Jericho (c) (with Big Bill & Bryan Keith) vs. HOOK

Fozzy performs Chris Jericho’s entrance. HOOK is shown making his entrance from the back. He uses part of Taz’s theme song for part of his entrance before his own theme plays. The bell rings, and Bill, Keith, and Jericho gang up on HOOK. Jericho drops HOOK with a Codebreaker. HOOK rallies and trades blows with Jericho.

Jericho hits a Lionsault. He dumps a bag in the ring, and apples fall out. HOOK suplexes Jericho onto the apples. HOOK gets a cricket bat and hits Keith and Bill with it. He hits Jericho with it as well. HOOK throws an apple at Chris Jericho. HOOK suplexes Jericho. Keith hits HOOK with a trashcan lid. Jericho traps HOOK in the Walls of Jericho. HOOK turns it around and puts Jericho in the Walls, but Bill breaks it up. Bill and Keith again gang up on HOOK. HOOK fights them off, but Jericho maintains the advantage. He targets HOOK’s wounded eye and hits him with a garbage can.

HOOK evades the Judas Effect and suplexes Jericho. He takes his eyepatch off and goes for the Redrum, but Bill stops him. Jericho accidentally hits Big Bill, and he falls through a table. Keith interferes and hits HOOK. Jericho gets a two-count. HOOK goes for the redrum, and Taz stops Keith from interfering and puts him in the Tazmission. HOOK makes Jericho tap out to the Redrum.

Winner and new FTW Champion: HOOK

Taz looks on while HOOK celebrates. HOOK goes over to Taz, and they embrace.

Three-Way Match For AEW Tag Team Titles

AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) (c) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (with “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn)

The Young Bucks wear gear that is a nod to The Beatles and Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Harwood and Caster start the bout and feel each other out. Tensions rise, as FTR and The Acclaimed argue. The Young Bucks get chased into the ring, and they are promptly clotheslined over the ropes. The Acclaimed double-team Wheeler. Jackson takes control with a flying lariat.

The Young Bucks double-team Wheeler and isolate him. Wheeler rallies with an uppercut. He slams Matthew Jackson, and Bowens tags in. Bowens fires up with a flurry of offense. The Acclaimed hit Scissor Me Timbers on the Young Bucks. Harwood tags in and suplexes Bowens. He dumps Caster with a German suplex. He suplexes Matthew Jackson as well. Harwood suplexes both Young Bucks at the same time. Everyone is down after stereo clotheslines. Harwood spikes Matthew with a DDT. The Young Bucks take control again, but Wheeler blocks a double-team. FTR hits Shatter Machine, but the referee gets pulled out of the ring. Nicholas Jackson superkicks Gunn.

Nicholas hits a facebuster on Harwood and a DDT on Bowens. Wheeler breaks up the EVP Trigger. Caster and Matthew hit Harwood with an EVP Trigger. He also helps Wheeler hit a Shatter Machine. The Young Bucks both kick The Acclaimed below the belt. They superkick the duo. Matthews gets the title belt, but Gunn stops him and his a Fameasser. The Acclaimed hit Matthew with The Arrival. Wheeler takes out The Acclaimed with a dive to the outside. Nicholas hits Harwood with a title for a two-count. The Bucks hit Harwood with the EVP Trigger for the win.

Winners and still AEW World Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks

After the match, the Grizzled Young Veterans confront the Young Bucks. They attack FTR and state down the Young Bucks, making it clear that they’re coming for the titles.

Casino Gauntlet Match

Casino Gauntlet Match for AEW World Title Shot

Orange Cassidy enters the match first. Kazuchika Okada is the next entrant. Okada hugs Cassidy but turns on him. Cassidy rallies with a flurry of offense. Okada drops him with a flapjack. Nigel McGuinness makes his return to the ring by entering the match. McGuinness goes back and forth with Okada. McGuinness drops Cassidy with a lariat. Kyle O’Reilly enters the match. O’Reilly dishes out some strikes. Cassidy and O’Reilly double-team Okada. NJPW star Zack Sabre Jr. enters the match. He takes control and squares off with McGuinness. They trade blows.

Okada gains the upper hand and hits a diving elbow drop. O’Reilly kicks Sabre Jr. Roderick Strong enters the match and takes the fight to O’Reilly. Strong drops O’Reilly with a back-breaker. Mark Briscoe enters the match. He fires up with some strikes. Briscoe dives onto Sabre Jr. at ringside. “Hangman” Adam Page enters the match and takes control. He drops Sabre Jr. with a clothesline and slams Cassidy. Cassidy avoids the Buckshot, but Page hits him with a Buckshot.

Jeff Jarrett enters the match and trades blows with Page. Jarrett dishes out some strikes, but Page powerbombs him out of the ring and onto sone competitors. Karen Jarrett yells at Page, and he grabs her. Ricochet is revealed as the next entrant, as he has arrived in AEW. Ricochet immediately takes control and squares off with O’Reilly. He dives onto everyone at ringside. Christian Cage is the next entrant, and Ricochet dives onto him. Page levels Ricochet with a Buckshot, but Okada breaks up the pin. Jeff Jarrett smashes Hangman with a guitar. Okada hits Jarrett with a Rainmaker. Sabre Jr. and Cassidy trade pin attempts.

Bodies are flying as the match breaks down in chaos. McGuinness hits the Tower of London, but Cage drops him with a Spear. Luchasaurus is revealed as the next entrant, so his days as Killswitch are seemingly over. However, he slams O’Reilly instead, and Cage pins O’Reilly for the win.

Winner: Christian Cage

MJF Battles Will Ospreay At AEW All In

A video package hypes up the next match.

AEW American Championship: MJF (c) vs. Will Ospreay

Ospreay gets a special “Assasin’s Creed” entrance. MJF also gets a special entrance, as he wears patriotic gear, and cheerleaders are waving American flags. Ospreay and MJF take the fight to each other. Ospreay gains the upper hand and dives onto MJF at ringside. MJF evades the Hidden Blade and gouges Ospreay’s eyes. MJF and Ospreay brawl at ringside. They trade pin attempts in the ring. MJF plants Ospreay with a powerbomb on his knee. He hits the Kangaroo Kick. Ospreay fires up with some kicks. MJF counters a dive to the outside into a Tombstone on the floor.

MJF talks some trash to Ospreay. He goes for a dive, but Ospreay plants him with a Spanish Fly on the floor. Back in the ring, Ospreay hits a Shooting Star Press on the ropes. MJF gets a two-count with the Crossrhodes. Ospreay counters the Brainbuster and hits the Os-cutter for a two-count. He hits another Os-cutter, but MJF gets his foot on the ropes. MJF spikes Ospreay with a piledriver. Ospreay drills MJF with a kick. MJF fires with a stiff shot to the face. Ospreay hits the Storm Breaker for a two-count. MJF falls down when Ospreay sets up the Hidden Blade. MJF evades the Os-cutter again, and Ospreay lands hard on the apron.

MJF hits a Panama Sunrise on the apron. Ospreay nearly gets counted out, but he makes it back in the ring. MJF trolls the crowd, but Ospreay drills him with a heel kick. He hits an Os-cutter on the apron. Ospreay accidentally takes out one of the cameramen. MJF goes to hit him with the title but eats a superkick. MJF hits Ospreay with the title anyway for a two-count. He hits the Brainbuster for a two-count. Ospreay knocks MJF into the referee, sending him out of the ring. MJF goes for the Tiger Driver, but Ospreay counters and goes for it himself, but MJF hits him below the belt.

A masked man runs in and attacks MJF, and it’s revealed to be Daniel Garcia.

MJF talks some trash, and Ospreay hits MJF with the Hidden Blade. Ospreay hits the Tiger Driver ’91 for the win.

Winner and new AEW American Champion: Will Ospreay

After the match, Ospreay celebrates. Christopher Daniels hands him the AEW International Championship, and he is announced as the new AEW International Champion.

Mercedes Moné Defends Against Britt Baker At AEW All In

TBS Championship: Mercedes Moné (c) (with Kamille) vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.

Moné gets a special entrance, she comes in riding in a carriage, and her corgis are inside. Baker and Moné feel each other out early on, and Kamille gets involved. Moné gains the upper hand when Kamille distracts her. She hits Baker with a backbreaker on the turnbuckle. Moné targets her back and controls the action. She keeps rolling with diving knees to the back. Moné slams Baker off the top rope. Moné counters a stomp into a powerbomb. Baker catches her with a cutter.

Baker evades a running knee in the corner and drops Moné with a neckbreaker. She floors Moné with a face-buster. Moné rallies, but Baker slams her with an Air Raid Crash for a two-count. Baker counters the Moné Maker into a pin attempt for a two-count. Moné hits the Backstabber. Baker counters a slam off the top into a slam of her own for a two-count. She hits a Stomp, but Kamille moves Moné’s foot so it’s under the ropes. Moné gets the TBS Championship, but the referee stops her. Baker fends off interference by Kamille and does the Eddie Guerrero spot, pretending that Kamille hit her to get her ejected.

Baker hits another Stomp for a two-count. She tries to put Moné in the Lockjaw, but she evades it. She perseveres and locks in the Lockjaw, but Moné bites her. Baker gets a two-count with a pin attempt. Moné hits the Moné Maker for the win.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Moné

Jack Perry Faces Darby Allin At AEW All In

Coffin Match for TNT Championship: Jack Perry (c) vs. Darby Allin

Allin has thumbtacks on his face to give him an added advantage. Allin dives onto Perry during his entrance and slams Perry into the barricade. He shoves his tack-studded face into Perry and hits a diving dropkick while Perry is seated in a chair. Perry stops Allin from trying to put him in the coffin. Allin goes for a dive, but Perry moves, so Allin crashes into the coffin.

Perry pours out some glass from a bag. Allin hits a back-drop, so Allin lands on the glass. Allin dives onto Perry while riding a skateboard. Perry sends Allin tumbling off the top rope and down to the floor. He gets some tape and binds Allin’s hands together. Allin rallies and hits a Coffin Drop. Perry escapes when Allin tries to put him in the coffin. He takes his belt and whips Allin with it. Perry throws Allin off a stage and sends him through a table.

Perry brings out a bodybag and puts Allin in it. He drags Allin to the coffin and puts him inside, but Allin busts out. Perry drills him with a knee strike and closes the lid for the win.

Winner and TNT Champion: Jack Perry

The Young Bucks come out after the match and pour gasoline on the bodybag and the coffin, but Sting makes the save. Sting no-sells a chair shot from Perry and drops the Bucks with a Scorpion Death Drop.

Title vs. Career At AEW All In

A video package highlights Bryan Danielson’s career and his family.

AEW World Championship vs. Bryan Danielson’s Career: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Bryan Danielson

Danielson enters to “Final Countdown”, and the fans sing along. Danielson goes over to his wife and kids during his entrance. Strickland gets a live musical performance for his entrance as well. Strickland and Danielson feel each other our and trade blows. Perry drills Danielson with a kick and goes for a dive at ringside. Danielson evades it and dives onto Strickland. Back in the ring, Danielson tries to fire up, but Strickland catches him with a back-breaker.

Strickland takes control. He and Danielson trade blows. The referee gets caught by an errant blow. Prince Nana pits a ring bell on the apron, and Strickland slams Danielson hard-first onto it, busting him open. He hits a diving uppercut and dances. Strickland brings Danielson over to Bryan’s wife and kids and stops him. Strickland gouges Danielson’s wound. Danielson’s daughter is shown crying in the crowd. Danielson locks Swerve in the Regal Stretch and levels him with a lariat when he escapes.

Danielson keeps rolling, but Swerve catches him with a Flatliner. Strickland evades the Cattle Mutilation, but Danielson turns it into a Tiger Suplex. Danielson hits Strickland with a series of kicks. He hits an avalanche Tiger suplex. Danielson stomps Strickland and locks in the Cattle Mutilation. Strickland slams his way out of it, and Danielson lands hard. The referee calls for the medical team, but Swerve chases them away. Danielson kicks out of a Swerve Stomp. Strickland hits two House Calls. He hits another, but Strickland kicks out. Danielson fires up while Strickland kicks him, looking right at his family. He rallies and rocks Swerve. Danielson hits the running knee, but Strickland shrugs it off. He hits the House Call and the Big Pressure for a two-count.

Strickland mocks Danielson’s “Yes!” chants. Hangman Page comes in and tries to interfere, but security stops him. Strickland is distracted, and Danielson hits a running knee for a near fall. Danielson and Strickland trade blows. Danielson hits another running knee. He hits one more and locks in the LeBell Lock. He wrenches Swerve’s fingers and transitions to the Regal Stretch, forcing Strickland to tap out.

Winner and new AEW World Champion: Bryan Danielson

Danielson celebrates with his family after the bell.