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WWE SmackDown Results (1/20/23)

WWE SmackDown Results

January 20, 2023

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Check out last week’s coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (1/13/23)

The entire Bloodline arrives together in the parking lot. Samu Zayn daps up the Usos. When Zayn tries to give Roman Reigns a pound, Reigns ignores him and walks away.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Contender’s Tournament: The Banger Bros vs. The Viking Raiders

As soon as the bell rings, the Viking Raiders attack. McIntyre and Ivar fight outside the ring. Sheamus sends Erik over the top with a clothesline. Ivar sends McIntyre into the ring post. Sheamus launches Erik into the barricade. Erik gives Ivar the ten beats. Erik breaks it up. Sheamus gives him the ten beats instead. Sheamus puts Erik on his shoulders and climbs the ropes.

Erik escapes after Ivar gets involved. Erik tosses Sheamus out of the ring. Ivar gets the tag, rolls out of the ring, and flattens Sheamus against the barricade with a low crossbody. After the break, Sheamus escapes a Hart Attack attempt by Erik and Ivar. Sheamus lands a high knee. McIntyre hits the Claymore out of nowhere on Erik. Sheamus blasts Ivar with the Brogue Kick. Sheamus pins Ivar.

Winners- The Banger Bros

LA Knight vs. Brent Jones

Bray Wyatt’s logo appears on the ‘tron and distracts Knight. Jones lands a flurry of offense. Knight hits the BFD for the win.

Winner- LA Knight

After the match, the Firefly Funhouse song plays. All of Wyatt’s Fireflies are present. Wyatt welcomes everyone back to the Funhouse. The Rabbit says Knight seems cool, and they should invite him to join them. He doesn’t want Wyatt to fight Knight because he’s afraid of the dark. Wyatt drops to a knee and tells him he should be scared of the dark. Wyatt winks to the crowd as the screen cuts to an Uncle Howdy video. Howdy tells Wyatt that he just needed a little push. Wyatt tells Knight that he will have to contend with whatever walks through the door at the Royal Rumble.

SmackDown Tag Team Championship Contender’s Tournament: Hit Row vs. Los Lotharios

Angel and Carrillo double-team Ashante. Ashante tags in Top Dolla. Dolla throws Angel out of the ring. After delivering a nasty chop to Angel, Dolla yells at Michael Cole for talking trash on commentary. After a distraction from B-Fab, Ashante rolls up Angel with a handful of tights for the win.

Winners- Hit Row

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