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Photo Credit: Ring Of Honor

FTR Explain How Their Rematch With The Briscoes Will Differ From Supercard Of Honor

Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler of FTR are going to go out of their way to make you feel something this Saturday night at Death Before Dishonor.

Ahead of their two out of three falls matchup against The Briscoes at Death Before Dishonor, FTR were interviewed by Web is Jericho to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about their rematch against The Briscoes for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team titles Saturday night, Wheeler said he hopes that they will be able to take fans on a completely different ride than the first match at Supercard of Honor.

“We’re gonna go out there, and whatever we give you is gonna be real,” Cash Wheeler said. “We just want to take you on a completely different ride, and it’s gonna be a fight. Now, more than ever, I’m confident in wrestling our style and not trying to toe the line in what we think fans want and what we actually need to do, because they’ve shown they care about our style. I’m more confident and more comfortable that we can do what we do, and the people are gonna respect that.”

Dax Harwood understands the pressure surrounding the rematch to try and outperform the last match, which is already in discussion as a match of the year candidate. Harwood is confident that they will be able to deliver another great match.

“There is pressure to have a great match that people are going to enjoy, but we have confidence in ourselves, and I have confidence in The Briscoes’ ability as well,” Dax Harwood said. “They’re not gonna give us an inch. We’re not gonna give them an inch, and I thrive on that.”

The popularity of FTR is at an all-time high in 2022. After years of being top heels, the wrestling fanbase has finally embraced them as babyfaces giving them some of the greatest moments of their career in the process. There were times before this when Wheeler questioned if the sport of professional wrestling and what they love about it had passed them by.

“There are times still now where I think maybe wrestling has passed me by,” Cash Wheeler admitted. “Because I see something, a clip online somewhere, and it’s getting rave reviews. I’m just like, ‘Man, I don’t get it. I don’t understand it.’ I’m not saying it has to be the 1980s again, but I think there are ways to make these spectacular things make sense, and so many people are lazy about that and they just care about getting the spectacular pop, so they neglect the in-between and the fundamentals. So I start thinking, ‘Man, has it passed us by? Are we just too serious about it? Do we want it to be respected too much?’

“And then things like what’s happening right now happen where the fans are showing us an unbelievable amount of love and it’s because of the fact that we’ve put in the hard work, and they respect what we do, and we don’t take the fundamentals for granted. They respect the professional wrestling aspect of what we do.”

Dax Harwood believes at the end of the day, FTR is making wrestling fans feel something, and that’s what great wrestling does at the end of the day.

“Great wrestling does win at the end of the day,” Dax Harwood said. “But with great wrestling, you also have to make those people care about you and feel a certain way about you. I think that was the biggest thing. We made them feel for us.”

READ MORE: FTR Releases’ Fight Like An 8 Year Old Girl’ Shirt, Royalties To Be Donated To American Heart Association

What do you make of Harwood and Wheeler’s comments? Are you looking forward to their rematch against The Briscoes at Supercard of Honor? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.