Ring Of Honor posted a new edition of 10 Questions to their website. This week’s star was Dak Draper. Draper discusses a multitude of topics including who he would like to play him in a movie and when he is going to cash in his opportunity for the ROH TV Championship.
When asked why he feels the need to mock the opponents he defeats with a participation medal, he cheekily said that he was just trying to be a nice guy.
“A lot of these guys don’t have anything to show for competing in Ring of Honor,” Draper began. “Being the nice guy that I am, I make it a point to send my opponents home with an appropriate award for participating.”
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In addition to joking about wanting Matthew McConaughey to play him in a biographical romantic comedy, Dak revealed he chose at the age of six not to excel at soccer because “soccer is dumb.”
When asked when he would be taking advantage of the Television Championship match he earned by winning the ROH Top Prospect Tournament, Draper simply said, “when the time is right.”
Not a crowd-pleaser, Dak ended his Q&A with this message for the Ring Of Honor faithful, “shame. On. You.”
To read the full Q&A, click here.