WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (2/26/19)

February 26th, 2019

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Smackdown Live Results

WWE Championship Contract Signing

Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon are in the ring with Daniel Bryan and Rowan. Shane runs down Kofi Kingston’s many accomplishments before asking him to join them in the ring. Kingston and the rest of the New Day. Kingston does a victory lap around the ring. Kingston says that it took 11 years but its happening, baby! Kingston says it wouldn’t be possible without his brothers in the New Day. Kingston says he is going to beat Daniel Bryan. Bryan signs the contract. Before Kingston signs it, Vince McMahon walks out and says he wants to thank Kingston for everything he has done for the company. Vince says he has to do what’s best for the company and so he is replacing Kingston at Fastlane. Vince is replacing Kingston with Kevin Owens. Owens’ music hits and Owens walks down to the ring. Woods and Big E. are livid. Kingston is totally silent. The New Day leaves.

Backstage, Owens is with Stephanie and Shane. Owens asks if he can team with Kingston to take on Bryan and Rowan. Stephanie says they will consider it.

The Bar is in the ring awaiting their opponents. The Hardy Boyz music hits…

The Bar vs The Hardy Boyz

Matt and Jeff double team Cesaro. Cesaro drives Matt into the corner. Sheamus tags in and clubs Matt. Matt tags in Jeff. Matt and Jeff hit the spin cycle. Sheamus and Cesaro roll out of the ring. Jeff leaps off Matt’s back and hits a senton to the outside. After the break, Sheamus and Cesaro double clothesline Jeff. Jeff kicks out. Jeff surprises the Bar with the Whisper in the wind. Matt gets the tag and hits the side effect for a near fall. Diving elbow by Matt. Cesaro kicks out. Matt and Jeff land the Extreme Combination for the win!

Winners- The Hardy Boyz

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