Jay Lethal is known as the Franchise of Ring of Honor, and its a badge he wears with as much honor as the promotion name infers. With ROH going through a new re-building phase following The Elite’s exit, Jay spoke to TV Insider about why resigning was an easy decision, and how this promotion has survived phases like this in the past:
Jay Lethal On Re-Signing With Ring Of Honor:
“I’m sure every wrestler on our roster would say this, but I love Ring of Honor,” Lethal said, on making the decision to stay with the promotion. “The company has given me so much. The company is putting all their stock in me to represent them both in and out of the ring. They did that two times.”
“When I have an idea about wrestling, they seem to stop everything to listen to my idea,” Lethal said. “Even if they don’t use my idea, the fact they stop everything to listen to really ponder about it. Nine times out of 10 they do allow me to run with my ideas. There is nothing better than that. I think it’s a dream situation for every wrestler.
“I also think it’s how you see what a wrestler can do. When a wrestler comes up with an idea and you allow them to run with it, they are going to try and put their heart and soul into the idea. That’s because it came from them and they want to prove they [have] good ideas. That’s what you get to see what a wrestler is made of. So, re-signing was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever made in my life.”
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Jay Lethal On ROH Surviving Top Stars Exiting In The Past:
“It seems like they never exit that. With Ring of Honor becoming a destination for other wrestlers to come to, it’s not an independent promotion anymore. It’s a destination spot for wrestlers all over the world.
“Think about all the people who have come through. Many of them have become champions in other companies. Think about if you ran a promotion, how do you pick up and carry on after you lose an AJ Styles or a Samoa Joe? How do you pick up and go on after you lose a Bryan Danielson, CM Punk or Adam Cole? You just do it.
“You don’t try to replace those guys, but pick up and move on because those guys are irreplaceable. The winning formula is you don’t try to replace them. You just have to pick up and move on and add another piece to the end of the puzzle…It’s going to hurt and impact us a lot. Most of these guys were in the main event. It’s going to be a hit, but we are going to do what Ring of Honor always does and carry on. We always produce one of the best wrestling products out there.”
To read the full interview, click HERE.
Jay Lethal
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR / PamElla Lee Photography
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Bruno Silveria
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Bruno Silveria
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Bruno Silveria
Jay Lethal
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/James Musselwhite